Tuesday, July 8, 2008


God is so sovereign! I'm so glad that He is God and I am not! Can I get an Amen, yall?

Here's my thinkin'... either God was getting tired of my pleas for patience.. or He might have known that my heart is just to stubborn sometimes. Either way.. our prayers have been answered (mostly) and the waiting is over! THANK YOU GOD!!! 

My wonderful husband has been promoted at work and has been offered a nice salary. We are so completely humbled that God has graciously answered our prayers.

Now, the reason I say "mostly" is because I still have one small hurdle at my job. I'll still need to work part time from home to make sure the "ends are met", so to speak. So, please pray with us that my current employer (the awesome people that they are) will readily accept the proposal I've come up with!

And just to clarify.. even if God did not grant me the desires of my own selfish heart.. He is still sovereign and THE Almighty!

Daniel 6:18 "Even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."

O Graciously Father.. I thank you for hearing my cries of desperation to be with my daughter.. raising here in our quaint home you have blessed us with. Father, grant me the patience, love, and kindness to show her how to Glorify you.. may we always point her to Jesus.. who gave us the perfect example of how to live a life that pleases and honors you. You are SO GOOD.. even though I do not deserve it. I thank you! Amen

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