Wednesday, March 6, 2013


In order for us to be a certified adoptive family, there is a myriad of classes that the Amazing Mister and I have to take. While they seem a bit tedious, I know it is the best interest of our agency that we know how to adequately love and care for our child that will be placed in our home.

I was a tad nervous about the class. Going in, I was afraid I might leave feeling frightened to adopt or discouraged. However, quite the opposite occurred. (Seriously, who wants to buy our family an awesome little compound to house about 20 kids?)

We left our 3 young'uns in the loving care of an amazing friend, who, not only came over to watch them ALL evening after a hard day at work. But, also brought them their favorite fast food dinner, bathed them, and tucked them into bed for the night. I know. You want friends like mine! They. Are. AWESOME!

My excitement and anticipation grew as we neared the facility where the meeting would be held. You see, I kind of am counting this like those birthing classes they offer at hospitals to help you prepare to have your baby. (Well, except, I never took any.) I am preparing to care for this precious child who has been through probably so much more than I will ever go through in my life. It's bringing us one step closer to this precious guy who we will call son!

Since the first class was an orientation, we spent most of the time getting to know what our agency is about, statistics, and the history of Foster Care. We briefly discussed requirements, the process leading to adoption, and some things you may encounter when adopting.  (Did you know there was a SPCA before there was an organization to look out for the well-being of children?! Did you also know that there are roughly 4000 children in the greater Houston area in the foster care system?)  Y'all. I nearly lost it. 4000 children... right here, within maybe a few hours drive in every which direction that need a loving, stable home. 4000 children, who have experienced some pretty traumatic things. 4000 children whose parents literally can not care for them. 4000 children without the stability of a steady rhythm in life.

My heart hurts for these children. My heart hurts for the parents who can't take care of their children. I just want to take all the pain away. I want to remove the hurt; I want to mend all these broken families! But, I can't. I can't fix this. I can't erase the trauma these precious little lives have been through; all the things they've seen, all the horrendous things they may have been subjected to.

But what I can do, is I can love- for now- 1 of these sweet little things. I can pour my unconditional love out on him. I can spoil him with a comfortable home, loving siblings, all the nutritious food he will ever need, a man to call Daddy, clothes that fit just right, and most of all- show him Jesus. I can do all of these things, because Jesus first loved me. When I had nothing to offer, but my own baggage. When I was 1 of roughly 7,038,044,500 people in this world, Jesus LOVED me. He loved me enough, to come to this Earth over 2000 years ago. Jesus lived a perfect life. Died a wretched death. And He rose again. He loved me, He sought after me, He rescued me from my own orphan-hood and calls me Daughter. 

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