It's a fact. One that I sometimes forget.
But, my kids are humans. Albeit, little ones, but still they are people.
They have feelings, moods, and react to things. They're really not all that different from adults. Sure, they can't contain their emotions or their reactions all that well, but its not like you or I don't react to things too differently from these pint-size youngsters.
I forget this simple fact sometimes in the midst of guiding and reprimanding them. I forget that, though are small, they are people.
And just like other people, I should treat them with respect, kindness, and love. I should treat them how I want to be treated. Not just because its an awesome coin-phrase, but because it is biblical. (Luke 6:31)
How many times have I tried to work a certain angle with my kids, or tried to find biblical references specifically to parenting? When in fact, the Bible is a resource rich in instruction on how I should interact with my kids not simply because they are my kids, but because they are PEOPLE.
I read a great blog post about this recently. Jen Wilkins was so kind to remind me, through her blog, of this simple fact, and how ample the bible is to give us instruction on how to love and serve our children well. Not just through the scope of motherhood.. but through the lens of the Gospel.
Gloria Furman's latest book, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, has also radically transformed my outlook on motherhood as of late.
Being a Mom is part of my identity now. Christ's salvation of my life, and all the beautiful ramifications that it entails should also bleed into that part of my life as well. His grace covers me as a believer, a daughter, a sister, a wife.. and as a mother. His love should be so evident and seeping out of every facet of my existence no matter my current season or schedule load.
The wisdom printed on the pages of this book are deep, insightful, and resounding with Truth. This book released me from the grasp of self-focus and set my eyes on Christ. Through her encouraging words and biblical references, my focus has been re-set on eternity.. rather than the here and now. It's like a nice breath of fresh air and a nice re-charge of the batteries to be reminded to savor Jesus in the midst of the chaos and business of motherhood.
"As we treasure Christ in our motherhood, it causes us to be heavenly minded, thinking often of the Lord who has brought us into his forever family and empowering us to live for his kingdom as we serve our family." (Gloria Furman, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, pg 154)
That is my prayer as a mother.. and for my Mommy friends that are trudging through this joyously tiresome season of life.
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